Felling of a palm tree in the middle of Monaco

Felling of a palm tree in the middle of Monaco

Enabling city folks to enjoy a safe outdoor space is one of the many missions of Monte-Carlo Paysages. Felling is a risky maneuver, as within a second everything can go terribly wrong. Indeed, felling work exposes not only the inhabitants of a property, but also their neighborhood to various dangers such as the fall of a branch on a person or a property, the inadvertent cutting of an electric cable, and more…

It is thus in these conditions that on Tuesday, September 27th, 2022, Monte-Carlo Paysages intervened in the heart of Monaco to cut down a palm tree that was threatening to fall.

This operation was so perilous that no company wanted to take the risk considered too important, and in fact only Monaco Paysage volunteered for the job.


Challenges & Solutions

With 15 years of experience under the belt, Monte-Carlo Paysages has unique know-how in the Principality and unparalleled experience.

The felling of such a tree (nearly 20 meters high) in the middle of dense housing is an extremely perilous operation. The configuration of the site, a very narrow courtyard with very little margin of error for the fall, requires a securing of the surroundings.

The limited space and the high risk of damage make this a perilous maneuver, requiring a competent and experienced team to carry it out.

Monte-Carlo Paysages offers you the best tree-felling service.

That’s why our team was not afraid of this challenge!

As a result, the challenge was met and the residents can once again cross the yard without fear! 

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